Video & Photography rates.
Camera Package rates. Sony FX3 8bit or 10bit- Day Rate for Video is $800 for 8 hours. Minimum first hour $250. Each hour after that is $75.
This includes camera gear, lenses, sound and lights.
Out of town extra may apply depending on driving distance or flying out.
Camera Package rates for the Sony Venice in Los Angeles Area.
$2200 full day rate with DP, Cine PL or Sony E-mount prime lenses.
Bay Area Red Raptor Camera DP, Cine PL, Canon or Sony E mount prime lenses.
Starting $1500 day rate.
Drone package $350 first hour & $200 an hour after the first.
I’m FAA Certified for operating a drone for commercial use. Drone Rates First hour minimum $350. Each hour after that $200 depending on difficulty of the shots of extreme or over water. Day Rate of just drone is $2.000.This includes the co-pilot spotter assistant which is required by FAA rules.
Photography rates vary depending on portraits, head shots, Landscape, Real Estate or commercial. Photography prices start at $250 on up. I don’t do weddings anymore unless paying more than $5,000 & above. Weddings are like making a movie now days.